Greetings readers, and welcome to the first post of Live from the Peanut Gallery. This blog is intended to be random thoughts of yours truly, ranging from movies, to roleplaying games, to general life, to God-knows-what. I will not sensor myself, so if you are reading this, and there's a post about you, be forever warned.
I think one of the first matters I need to discuss is the reason for this blog.
A couple months ago I was writing in Facebook about something that happened at work. It was something stupid I'm sure, but I felt compelled to let my frustration be known to the world-at-large. So a couple days go by and eventually I get a post from my mom saying that I should consider starting a blog, to get my thoughts down on "paper". Was this out of concern, as you never know who will view your FB page? Or was it because she saw that in the past I had lengthy posts about random things? I'm going to presume it was both.
So here I am, writing this initial post. Now only to come up with a name.
Live from the Peanut Gallery. Has an interesting title, don't you agree?! One of the first things that comes to mind when I think about this title is how I like to make comments about things. Are they always appropriate? No. But the thought is there. So why not let others share in my thoughts! Also, as I'm sure many of you out there are in similar positions, there's just too much going on in one's head to keep straight, so this is the perfect outlet for those thoughts. I know I can jump from one topic to another, and then several minutes later forget what my initial thought was. So I'm hoping that this will be a place for those random thoughts to be put down. I will attempt make attempts to keep different lines of thoughts separate, perhaps color coding it or something. Anyways!
So the back to the name. "Live" just sounds cool, it's the here and now, as I type. Yes, I realize that you, the reader, can't read this as I type it, so it isn't 'live' for you, but that's beside the point. Just calling this blog "Peanut Gallery" just didn't sound complete. Live gives it that feeling that this is real, it's not someone's thoughts from ages ago, no, this is today, or yesterday, maybe even tomorrow. But it's LIVE. It's in your face, and it's seeking attention.
As for the "Peanut Gallery" part. As far back as I can remember, especially during roleplaying game (RPG) sessions, when the "spotlight" was on someone else there was a tendency to goof off. Comments would be made, and soon enough the game would have to be stopped because the goofs would distract from the game. And in one, if not many instances, my friend Byron, would say something along the lines of, "if I wanted comments from the Peanut Gallery I would give them to you." To which we would snicker and then the game would go on.
This name also has meaning from my time in college, when a group of us would get together and watch WWE. It was an exciting time, and we each had our favorite wrestler (we could only have one though -- why? who knows as there were no rules, but yet the rule was known), so I chose the Undertaker! So every Monday and Thursday we would meet up in one of the lounges and watch wrestling. I'd say there was at least ten of us on a regular basis cheering and booing as the shows progressed. One guy in-particular, Adam (who's favorite was Chris Benoit), would continuously guess how the match would end. Especially when it was close to a Pay-Per-View, because the outcome of that match would then (most of the time) determine who won at the PPV. So his comments, plus the cheering and jeering of myself and my fellow fans, also gives roots to the name of this blog.
Some additional support to the name also comes from the name itself "Peanut Gallery". Those people who just always have something to say, whether it's a joke, a comment, or some sarcastic remark, they just can't keep their month closed. But while I may not always speak my mind, I feel more inclined to put it down here. Sometimes I don't always know how to respond, so I just smile and nod. But then I'll look back on that moment in the future and think to myself, 'ya know, ya should've said this," or "ya should have said it this way". So this is blog here, we become the peanut gallery of my life.
I will also use this space to talk about what's going on. Whether it's politics, sports, movies, gaming, whatever, I want this space to cover a broad range of topics. And for those of you who want a PG rated read, you won't get it here. Sex, is a part of my life, and I will talk about it. Swearing is also in my vocabulary. I need to watch what I say around my 21 month old daughter, but not here.
And by now I'm sure you're thinking, "boy this guy sure rambles on." To which I say, "No, I'm just overly thorough." There are times when I just don't know when to stop. if I have to explain something, I beat it like a dead horse. I just want to make sure I'm heard and understood. Perhaps I should have considered a different title for this blog: Ramblings of a Mad Man.
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