Sunday, August 5, 2012

Episode XII

Minor Rant - iTunes

Okay. I'll admit this first: when it comes to technology I am behind on the times. Not that I'm years behind, but one of things I've only just got around to using has been around for a while now.  And that is iTunes.

I rarely, if ever, used this program to run music, movies, etc. The ONLY reason why I just started using it was because I listen to podcasts while at work. While the websites are blocked on our internet, iTunes is not, so I must resort to this program to enjoy these tunes. 

My rant about this program comes from my lack of experience using it, so please save the bashing for later.

iTunes has a nice function of allowing its user to easily find pretty much any music or movie with a simple search function. I knew this was there due to my occasional use of the program, but I didn't know its depth. So when I went to search for one of the podcasts I was stunned to see numerous hits on the name. But thankfully iTunes has a quick search option for podcasts alone, and allowed me to find what I was looking for quickly.

Where my problem lies is in this:
Once I finally found the episode I was looking for I'd start listening to it. But when I'd click on something to see other aspects of iTunes the episode would stop playing. Which means I had to go back and find the file again to get it to play. What kind of crap is that?! Plus, there is no pause button for this episode, which means every time I started over, I had to listen to everything over again. very frustrating.

When I click on something to play, it should play. Period. Just because I navigate to other parts of iTunes doesn't mean I want to stop listening to whatever. Keep playing. If I wanted to listen to something else, I'll let you know.

Again, I am a novice at using iTunes so if you have any helpful hints on how to use it, please let me know.

I did, by mistake, find out that I could download all the show's episodes, so I am doing that now. But I really didn't want to. However, I thought if I did, I might have an easier time listening to this show.

1 comment:

  1. Along those same lines, one of my pet peeves is: video games you can't pause at any time. MMOs are great because they save your progress automatically, but if RL interrupts in the middle of combat you can expect character death and major setback. Most RPGs allow you to pause the game in combat, but not save the game, so if RL interrupts and there's a power surge, bye-bye progress. Worse yet, you'll be in the middle of a long cutscene full of interesting dialogue and important plot points and a family member interrupts with a question... No way to pause or rewind to see what you missed. So yeah. It's 2012. We're long into the computer age. ALL Software of any kind should have pause, rewind, fast forward, and save progress functions AT ALL TIMES.
